How do I appeal a parking ticket?
Transportation and Parking
To appeal a parking ticket you must request a hearing within 21 days of receiving the citation. To appeal, visit to find the forms and information that you need. You can choose to appeal just by mail, or attend a hearing in person. Failure to pay or appeal a parking violation within twenty-one (21) days will result in additional late fees, and may also result in the nonrenewal of the registered owners drivers license and/or vehicle registration (M.G.L. c. 90 §§ 20A½ - 20C, and 20E as amended) and may also be subject to the tow and hold provisions of M.G.L. c. 90 § 20A½. The law does not affect in any way your right to appeal to Superior Court.
Updated 3/2/2023 11:42 AM