Billing and Tax Issue

Can I pay my bill online?
How do I obtain a Municipal Lien Certificate?
How long will it take to get a Municipal Lien Certificate?
How much does a Municipal Lien Certificate cost?
To whom are checks made payable?
What bills can I pay online?
What do I do if I have received a tax lien?
What do I need to provide when requesting a Municipal Lien Certificate?
What happens if I leave my bill unpaid?
What is a Municipal Lien Certificate?

Excise Tax Bill

I just moved. How do I let the Registry of Motor Vehicles know my new address?
I just registered a vehicle, when will I receive my excise tax bills?
What is the amount of my motor vehicle excise?
What vehicles are exempt from the motor vehicle excise?
When can I receive a partial abatement of the excise?
Who do I talk to if I have a late excise tax bill?

Health Citation

Can I find out if there have been any recent violations on a property?
How do I appeal a Health Department citation?
How do I pay a ticket from the Health Department
I received a citation for improper waste disposal. What does this mean?

Property Tax Bill

Do all assessments change at the same rate?
How are assessments determined?
How can my assessment change when I haven't done anything to my property?
How can my taxes increase?
How do I change my mailing address on my tax bill?
How do I obtain a copy of my tax bill?
How does Proposition 2 1/2 affect my individual bill?
How does Proposition 2 1/2 limit property taxes?
How long are exemptions granted for?
How many times a year are real estate and personal property tax bills mailed?
How will my taxes change as a result of the new assessment?
I have recently built my home. Will the actual construction costs be considered?
Is it necessary that you view the inside of my property?
What are the requirements to be eligible for a Clause 17D exemption (Surviving Spouse (Widow/Widower), Minor Child of a Deceased Parent, Elderly)?
What are the requirements to be eligible for a Clause 22 exemption (Veteran with Service Connected Disability)?
What are the requirements to be eligible for a Clause 37A exemption (Blind)?
What are the requirements to be eligible for a Clause-41C 1/2 exemption (Elderly)?
What do I do if I think I may be entitled to an abatement or exemption?
What do I do if I think my property is overvalued by the Assessor?
What evidence do I need to present to the Board of Assessors?
What happens to taxes if property changes hands after the January 1st assessment?
What if I don't agree with my assessment?
What if I my overvaluation abatement application was denied?
What if I refuse to let assessment personnel in my property?
What if there are no reasonably comparable sales?
What if there hasn't been a recent arm's-length sale of my property?
What if, after the bill goes out, I still disagree with the assessment?
What is a Elderly Tax Deferral (Clause 41A)
What is a Financial Hardship exemption (Clause 18)
What is a Financial Hardship Tax Deferral (Clause 18A)
What is a personal exemption?
What is a revaluation?
What is classification? How does it work with Proposition 2 1/2?
What is market value?
What is Proposition 2 1/2?
What property is exempt?
What property is taxable?
What will happen to my assessment if I improve my property?
When are taxes due?
When is my property tax assessed?
When must I file an application for abatement?
When must personal exemptions be filed?
When will my exemption be reflected on my tax bill?
When will the revaluation start?
Who can I talk to if I have a question about the assessment of my property?
Who is eligible for a full or partial exemption?
Who will do the revaluation?
Why is a revaluation necessary
Will all property values change?
Will I be notified before my property is foreclosed on?
Will I be notified if there is a change in my assessment?
Will my assessment go up if I repair my property?
Will the person who inspects my property be able to tell me my new assessment

Water/Sewer Bill

Can I contest my water/wastewater bill if it is wrong?
Can I pay my water/wastewater bill online?
Can I request a meter test?
Do I have to pay for water lost by leakage?
Does Revere have a water treatment plant?
How do I apply for a water/wastewater abatement?
How do I check for leaks?
How do I obtain a water service application?
How do I qualify for an abatement on my wastewater bills?
Is there a fee for connection to the sewer system?
What are the billing policies for water/wastewater?
What are the sewer rates?
What are the water rates?
What are the water/wastewater billing mailing schedules?
What if the meter reader is unable to obtain a meter reading?
What must I do with my water/wastewater bill if I am closing or purchasing a new property?
What should I do about estimated readings?
When will my account be considered past due?
Where can I pay my water bill?
Where do I find a list of approved Drain Layers?
Why was my water service terminated?
Will my water ever be shut off without prior notice?

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